четверг, 08 сентября 2016
Как-то так вышло, что дорам (в особенности - корейских) я в последнее время смотрела не так много.
Зато просмотреная дорама немного странная х)
Фандом: Властитель солнца (The Master's Sun / Joogooneui Taeyang)
Персонаж: Тхэ Гон Силь, упоминается Чжу Чжун Вон.
Рейтинг: G
Жанры: Джен, POV
Предупреждения: OOC
Страдашки ГГThat's my story, not conjured up, but absolutely real.
I'm not this simple girl. I'm not visiting tanning parlours to maintain an illusion of being perfectly breezy and happy. I don't even have an opportunity to do so. My life has completely got out of hand. I'm always pressurized, constantly tent and afraid. It's not my fault. I became this person after one accident which had to take my life. I survived but I will never be the same again. Clusters of ghosts haunt me causing insomnia and zombie-loke crazy look. I'm the rare breed.
However, after all these years, I finally met an edgy man with a bad yemper whose appearance makes ghosts disappear. He doesn't comfort me but he's the very thing helping me to go a day. In his presence ghosts can't manifest themselves so I don't perceive them and feel safe.
But, all of a sudden, there is a new problem: I'm turning to being hooked on my miracle cure. I don't know whether his marvelous feature is the only addictive thing but my dependency becomes compulsive. Unfortunately I'm utterly not sure that this person will be glad seeing me beside him, armful of specters, every day. So, now I'm looking for the thing to overcome this delusory attachment.
Властитель солнца,
муза за моим плечом,
Тхэ Гон Силь,
Чжу Чжун Вон,