понедельник, 29 августа 2016
Сорри, никак не могла довыложить это маленькое сочинение =__="
В этот раз фандом Sherlock BBC, а написано было для тренировки фразовых глаголов с "get".
Персонаж: Джон Ватсон, упоминается Шерлок Холмс.
Рейтинг: G
Жанры: Джен, POV
Предупреждения: OOC (да, я это ставлю везде с тех пор, как прочитала одно мнение: у любого человека, кроме изначального автора персонажа, этот самый персонаж будет не совсем вхарактерным)
Блог Ватсона/Уотсона (кому как больше нравится) в моём блоге, такие делаWell, it's not my first post as a blogger but now it's a different case, it's far more intimate, it's my heart that should be poured out.
We got on like a house on fire and I could do nothing with it. I was deeply depressed getting on a lot after that war. I had no money, no hope for a bright future, I was so alone and it got on my nerves making me suffer from psychosomatics. I wasn't getting anywhere with all this stuff and this person became a real saviour for me. I don't know why, it just happened while I was getting on with my life mechanically.
That's how I got into crime investigation. When I met him it was quite a shock for the first time in my life. Even now I'm not sure that I got to know him for 100%, he's so complicated. Sometimes he doesn't get the message, sometimes he gets me down, sometimes I just want to tell him "Get real!"
But it's OK. He helped to get my acts together and I owe him so much. He's not just a friend, he's much more important for me, he's the best man I've ever got together with. Together we got over a lot of things. Sometimes he drives me crazy with his annoying behaviour but I let him get his own way on me. 'Cause I love him. NOT in romantic sense! We're not a couple. I mean he's so much for me that he always gets away with his rudeness and weirdness.
The sense of this message is that I hope we'll get by with all the difficulties and get out of getting into trouble (how ironic of me to write such things but still). All in all, I'm glad that I could get through to him and humanize him a bit without changing his personality. I'm thankful to the fortune which let get the chance to meet Sherlock.
Шерлок Холмс,
Sherlock BBC,
Джон Ватсон,
муза за моим плечом,