Как я обещала ранее, выкладываю драббл на инглише.
Поскольку это было первое моё сочинение, я решила посвятить его моей любимой паре - Северус Снейп/Гермиона Грейнджер.
Время действия: постХог
Рейтинг: G
Жанры: Джен, Гет, POV, AU
Предупреждения: OOC
немного мимимишностиBy the time I graduated from Hogwarts I completely fell in love with his usual black cloaks, sudden tantrous, his snapping and grunting. Of course I didn't spend the whole time thinking about his get-up or sarcastic grin. And I just wasn't determined enough to make a confession but, you know, it was only a question of time. Come to think, my feelings were distinctly obvious so I thought once "This time next month I'll be talking sweet nonsence to my ex-professor" and started acting. I was a bit short of time but my desire to own that person swelled desperately so I gingerly started making the distance shorter. In fact, I was ready to listen to his astounding voice looking at his jet-black hair and faltering for the time being. But I needed more and I had to make up for lost time when I was just a ruffly child and he was my nasty teacher.
So I vigorously developed a sophisticated plan to keep that man for me myself because there wasn't much time left. At first, I started engaging him in conversations about potions he loved a lot and I stopped just swalloing his shrill words, from time to time I even managed saying taunts back. There were not only triumphs but also checkmates at times which made me sometimes want to squeeze the inky-clokes man's neck and shake him a bit. My evil plan of conquering Severus Snape took up all my time, I strained my brain in solving that puzzle but I could say that I had more that just tiny chance to succeed. So when time was up I came to my love to pour my heart out and gasped despite all of my hopes when he swiftly stepped up, peered into my eyes and kissed me.
Those doings and thoughts have been a long time ago, now we're both retired and we still hold these memories carefully. We get time on our hands and we can just live peacefully without chasing each other. Of course there were ups and downs in our relationships, sometimes Severus gave me a hard time so I needed some time off to get hushed. But we took a lot of time together driving out the worst points of our characters, there was also hard wrestling with gossips which we won. We had fights for the life time so we deserve to have the time of our lives being right up close each other in our neat and tidy house or swinging our life with time to spare.
Как я обещала ранее, выкладываю драббл на инглише.
Поскольку это было первое моё сочинение, я решила посвятить его моей любимой паре - Северус Снейп/Гермиона Грейнджер.
Время действия: постХог
Рейтинг: G
Жанры: Джен, Гет, POV, AU
Предупреждения: OOC
немного мимимишности
Поскольку это было первое моё сочинение, я решила посвятить его моей любимой паре - Северус Снейп/Гермиона Грейнджер.
Время действия: постХог
Рейтинг: G
Жанры: Джен, Гет, POV, AU
Предупреждения: OOC
немного мимимишности